My Mission
My Vision and Dream
My Journey into Peacemaking
I wasn’t always living as an #everydaypeacemaker. It took me a long time to get here:
- I lived in a tent in the forests of northern Canada for 12 months as a tree planter. I learned how few possessions I need to live.
- At 17 I visited a leper colony in Thailand. This sparked questions about how Jesus related to socially marginalized people.
- At 18 I lived on a former slave plantation in Jamaica. This rose some questions about Christianity and racism.
- I was in Haiti during the 2004 coup d’etat. I later read Mountains Beyond Mountains and started to understand systematic injustice, colonization, and globalization better.
- I was “smuggled” across Cuba in the back of a dump truck, danced with the Cuban church, and heard the good, bad and ugly stories about “Papa Fidel” Castro and the Cuban revolution.
- I lived and served in Mindanao, Philippines an island working its way out of colonization. Formerly a Muslim majority island, but, years of division caused by “Christian” political manipulation have divided the people through violent conflict. Warlord families who want power and money cause widespread poverty, armed conflict, and 100,000’s of deaths over 40+ years of conflict. But, there is hope. Muslims, Christians and local indigenous leaders consistently reinforce their unity when they work together for reconciliation. Their goal is to rediscover a lasting, locally determined and sustainable peace.
- I lived in the Philippines with my family for 7 years (more here). We were in Metro Manila. We led Peace Church Philippines on a journey with Jesus. A journey to understanding the story Jesus told, practice the spirituality Jesus practiced & live the life Jesus lived in a Filipino church community.
- I’ve learned a lot from travelling. My travel stories and pictures will come out on the blog over time. They’ve shaped the questions I ask and the choices we make as a family.
- We moved back to Yarrow, British Columbia in April 2018. Now we’re starting a new life reflecting back on the lessons of the Philippines. I’m organizing my current activities around key themes of rest and reflection, local ministry & service in Yarrow United Mennonite Church and international ministry as a Catalyst for Reconciliation in the Lausanne Movement.
Experiencing big conflicts, but Living with Hope
Stories in the media don’t teach much about being hopeful. Most news stories are about suffering or how to get ahead of others by pushing them down. My story is about how the Creator gave me new life and joy to serve others in contrast to the violently competing world around me.
Our family chose to respond to God’s generosity by giving our life to other in the Philippines! Along the way, I’ve been healed, transformed through daily conflicts, receiving energy from spiritual practices (like prayer and meditation), overcoming destructive personal habits, and learned to live towards the endless hope the bible story gives us because of my loving self – sacrificing saviour Jesus Christ who embraces all people.
I don’t claim to have all the answers and I still have a lot to learn, but I’m happy to share what I’ve learned along the way. If you’re curious about living a new story of reconciliation and healing or discovering spiritual practices then enter your email address below and click “subscribe” to join our online community of people on this path.