This statement by the leaders of the anabaptist movement in the 1500’s has taken the feeling of my heart and put it to words. After living in Abbotsford, part of the the “bible belt” of canada, and then living in Jamaica the country with the most churches per-capita of any…
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Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum Zeitgeist is an incredibly shocking film if the audience isn’t very aware of the current global situation. But, if the audience is willing to be curious, and carefully analyze some of the points especially about globalization, they’ll find many similar stories coming from all around the…
Leave a CommentJesus called us to love our neighbors as the central part of our witness. He said, “If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Aren’t even the tax collectors and pagans doing that? But love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you then you…
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