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Does God cause natural disasters? Do they happen for a reason?

The Ancient people who wrote the scriptures believed that water, the ocean was a place of chaos and home for evil. This was the home of all that opposes order and God’s good creation. We see that oppose of this in the creation narrative where God creates order and brings order out of the ocean by using his athrity to shape it. In the same way as the creation story to Jesus shows his sovereignty over this chaotic storm in this narrative.


How Gun Culture Creates Gun Violence and Makes Everyone Less Safe

Updated on Nov 8, 2017, originally posted on Nov. 4, 2014. I updated this post but the heart of it about how gun culture creates gun violence is still the same.     When I was working in forestry as a tree-planter I used to fantasize about the wild west.…

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Bombing + Peace: The Plaza Miranda Story

On Aug 21, 1971 a dramatic act of terrorism took place at the plaza Miranda in Quiapo, Manila, Philippines.  It was during the beginning of a violent era of politics in the Philippines, which subtly continues today. (More Info on the Plaza Miranda Bombing) A rally was being held in the Plaza Miranda…

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