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Category: Peace & Reconciliation Theology

This Peace Theology category index lists all posts connected to my personal theology.

Theology simply means thinking or talking about the Creator.

Peace in Christianity, according to scripture, means wholeness and exists when all of creation is healed (aka. reconciled). That means reconciliation between human individuals and groups and:

  • God
  • Ourselves
  • Others
  • Creation

My peace theology is informed by my Anabaptist-Mennonite heritage, 25 years of reading scripture, 15 years of international travel,  and 7 years doing peacebuilding, development and church-planting in armed conflict areas.

Peace Theology Was a Journey for me, Are You On a Journey to Find It?

My journey of discovering Biblical Peace Theology happened while reading scripture with Bangsamoro Muslim friends in the southern Philippines. I listened to their history, a history of oppressed people, from their perspective and in it I learned to hear Jesus message of peace, hope and salvation in the bible with…