This was a vlog I made from the trip: Sixty-six nations gathering in the same place to celebrate their unity and diversity excites me! (66 is how many were there in 2003.) Does that excited you? Between July 19th – 26th the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) will gather in Pennsylvania…
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My Favorite Soldier Turned his Back on War
After Canadian Remembrance Day on Nov 11th I remember the words of the soldier I respect the most: Christina‘s Opa. He fought for the germans as a patriot and later turned his back on violence and became a powerful advocate for peace through Mennonite Central Committee. He always quoted Amerian General…
1 CommentFaithful Muslims, Faithful Christians
Jesus called us to love our neighbors as the central part of our witness. He said, “If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Aren’t even the tax collectors and pagans doing that? But love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you then you…
Leave a CommentEvangelism and Social Action
This is a reflection from my last year at CBC that Christina thought I should post. Does it spark any thoughts? “The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today, is Christians, who acknowledges with their lip and walk out the door and get on with their lifestyle. That…
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