Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum
Zeitgeist is an incredibly shocking film if the audience isn’t very aware of the current global situation. But, if the audience is willing to be curious, and carefully analyze some of the points especially about globalization, they’ll find many similar stories coming from all around the globe.
The first bit of the first movie brings Jesus down from the christian belief that he is God incarnated (emanuel – God with us) to the level of many myths and philosophers. If research is done about the historical Jesus a person will find that there is more support for Jesus existing on earth that there is for many other things in history that we would not dream of second guessing. (For more info Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel)
The money analysis? I don’t know where to start or end with this topic. They have some great animation and seem to think that the central bank is made to create more debt? If this is the case I think that someone would have figured it out sooner than now. But, maybe not or maybe this part of the film is out to lunch. I believe this stuff could be true, I’m just not going to the bank on it….I don’t understand it. It kinda freaks me out that Abraham Lincoln could have forced the closure of the central bank during his presidency because of the evil cycle that it could be.
Now as far as globalization, 9-11 (911 Mysteries, very interesting Documentary. I’m told it’s popular thought in France that 9-11 was a set up.), and the current ruling global empire. I believe that a lot of their analysis is true. Naomi Klein makes an interesting analysis of global capitalism in Shock Doctrine (an analysis of Milton Friedman’s extreme capitalism theories) her analysis of economic assassination are similar to examples in Zeitgeist Addendum. The Shock Doctrine says that in in order to create fast change, create or take advantage of a disaster. While civilians are distracted trying to find food for 3 meals a day the government should make large legislative changes to privatize sectors for capitalist gain. Examples of this: privatizing schools in New Orleans after Katrina or private companies purchasing beach-front land in post-tsunami Thailand, at unjustly cheap prices, to build resorts. The example that I’ve been reading about the most lately is Iran, and their oil situation in the last 100 years. The possibility of the CIA creating a coup’ like zeitgeist presents, along with other sources, is consistent with what we’ve seen in Mindanao:
The war in Mindanao is all about land, and the political actions we are seeing here by the United State are identical to the accusations that we are hearing about Iraq.
The USA is trying to create a permanent military presents.
The USA owned the Philippines up until 1946. in 1946 they released her as her own independent republic and she’s been the USA’s lap dog ever since. Presidents have have come and gone all ruling in the shadows of US influence. Then the VFA or Visiting Forces Act was created. The VFA allows the United States to stay in Mindanao for as long as they are asked to train Philippines army soldiers. If they’re only training troops why do I have pictures of US troops carrying side arms and M-16’s in public places?
The conflict is about control over oil rights and profits.
Many islands in Mindanao are not floating on the ocean, they’re floating on oil.
The label terrorist is thrown around to take away rights and privileges and create fear in society.
The Muslim rebels are real people fighting for real rights to ownership of their historical land. This historical ownership, plus years of desired vengeance from having relatives killed by the Gov’t of the Phil troops will keep the war on going until real talks address the core historical issues and initiate a lasting sustainable peace. (PS. the confllict is in a very small area, its not just a bunch of crazy people shooting anyone they see for no reason. This would not forward any political or social agenda, which most “terrorists” have, like Natzi propaganda in WW2 the creation of the faceless terrorist is a way of controling socity by fear. What is the responce demanded by Christ? Love your enemy.)
Zeitgeist has a lot of interesting theories and I think that some of them should be entertained and researched. The thing I took from the film, aside from a lot of laughs about the idea that technology will solve all of our problems, was the striking reality that Jesus’ call for justice and the values of the Kingdom of God are the outcomes that the producers are looking for. The Kingdom of God, justice, peace, equality and love are the values that they would love to see manifest in their technological society. but we, biblical christians, know that it can only happen by the Spirit of God and will only come when Christ returns. Until then it’s the churches role to manifest those values in society and transform society through active love.