I’ve also got the bible all wrong. Sometimes I read it to make myself feel better, or to justify my position. Really? ya. The bible should be a story that challenges me to action and a changed life. Well the changed life comes from the holy spirit, but the new…
1 CommentCategory: Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in The Philippines
Christina and I moved to the Philippines in 2008. We were interns with Peacebuilders Community (PBCI), a Mennonite Church Canada Witness supported missionary effort.
After a year with PBCI we had experience in organizing peacebuilding programs, relief distribution, responding to and organizing internally displaced people, collaborative community development and even social enterprise. It was an incredibly full year. We moved back to Canada to finish my education and prepare for the next stage our lives.
Before we left the Philippines, our partners, especially our Muslim and Indigenous friends asked us to return to the Philippines in the future. WHy? They said our Christian witness as PBCI staff was different than past missionaries they interacted with. Historical missions in the Philippines, especially in Mindanao, has been very violent to indigenous people.
How did they say our witness was different? We worked beside them, rather than trying to control them. We weren’t there to take and manipulate, but rather to journey towards justice, peace and salvation. Even though our center for salvation is solely in Jesus Christ, and theirs is the Quran or expressed through a non-christian indigenous worldview we acknowledged our differences and work together towards common values and goals.
This is gave me a clearer understanding of authentic christian witness. I believe the Apostle Paul acted with a similar theology of mission in Act 17:22-31 on Mars hill.
The links below are my blogs from 2008-2018 specifically about the Philippines. Enjoy.
If you find my journey helpful to your own? If you do, join my email list below and I’ll send you a few bonuses. Thx, blessings and peace.
To my three kids, In 10 years when you look back at our extended time in the Philippines, I want you to find a clear explanation of how we followed Jesus with Peace Church. You’ve watched us live loyal to Jesus. You know we believe deeply in hospitality, building relationships with…
1 CommentA photo posted by Melissa Vincent (@misvincent) on Oct 20, 2015 at 4:55am PDT In a discussion about politicians and Christians this became a central question. Christians are not called to imitate Jesus in everything he did. But, Christians are called to do some things he didn’t do, for example, have children. And…
Leave a CommentThis is a response to a question I’ve heard often in the past 2 years in the Philippines and countless times online. Rather than responding on a message board I’ll respond publicly and point people to this post in the future. Today the question was raised: “I have always wondered why…
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